Thursday 15 December 2011

The mysterious item of clothing beneath John's overalls...

Paddy and i wanted a garment, showing a particular logo that represents John's secret superhero identity. Now, we didn't want to rip off or try to replicate any existing superhero logos, so we brainstormed various logos that would fit the role of John. Now, considering the contradiction the audience will see at the end of the film, we prefered a more comical logo. We knew we wanted an animal of somekind, progressing more specifically onto birds e.g. blue tit, raven, chicken, Pelican...

We finally came to the decision of using a Pelican.

As you can see, we used the very basic colour of white to place the design on. The design itself is very simplistic, which we believe makes it more effective. It's quite a funny and odd design, but then again so is the story's plot. And so, with the help of Paddy's artistic capabilities, the garment came to fruition.

I give you, PELICAN MAN!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

little bit of stop-motion

Last wekend, Paddy and I indulged in a little bit of stop-motion. We originally planned to shoot the sequences within Paddy's bedroom, but the lighting and room setup didn't look so good on camera. so we looked at two other possible rooms- Paddy's brother's and his sister's.

Turns out that his sisters room was ideal- the room was smaller (makes John look bigger) and the desk set up, with lighting, all allowed for easier animation.

The model isn't built to move itself from one point to another naturally, so the desk had no need to be large.

We wanted the model to appear as simplistic as possible, yet hold hold the symbolism of a true superhero; so we fitted our little wooden man out with a makeshift cape. If you're wondering what the material comes dads socks. Cheers dad!