Thursday 22 September 2011

The Crusader (short film)

The scene is set in your generic council estate as the first shot reveals. The next few sequence of shots signify a far less 'super' lifestyle than you might expect from the true Crusader, as images of kebab leaflets, council tax notices, picture of him and his wife on their wedding day reveal. He mentions the loss of his wife, which sparks up thoughts of your generic superhero story e.g. losing a loved one, and either responding with vengeance or striving to spread truth and justice. Instead, we see images of fast food remains and a playstation controller. Is this what fuels the ''Tower of strength'' ?

we next see him out on his patrol as he cruises his 'batmobile' down local roads as he is questioned on his superhero roles and experiences e.g. "have you ever been injured?" (he nods)...."been stabbed eight times".  Shortly after, an egg is chucked at his car. Lee reacts as though a bomb has gone off. Again, more bark than bite!

Once you realise- through the egg 'confrontation'- that he's not so super, your speculation draws to a conclusion that he is indeed more of a fraud than a hero (hence the cut back to the concil estate). "you said before, you were on state benefits. How do you intend to pay your legal fees?"......"phone up the advert ain't I. Y'know, 'no win, no fee'...".  A conditional fee is any fee for services provided where the fee is only payable if there is a favourable result (suing Warner Bros.). The prolonged silence instigates the stupidity in what he just said.

The sequence cuts to a close up, profile shot of him on the top of a building. "Do you ever dream of having a normal life?"..."to me, this is normal. I've never known any different".  This section of the short film actually allows me to perceive some genuineness e.g. he takes a drag from his cigarette (a normal activity), the spacing of shot attributes (how far away civilisation seems to be). I begin to see a figure who possesses the generic superhero/vigilante downfall (outcast), with no super strengths to compensate.

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