Sunday 11 September 2011

first poster analysis (The Dark Knight)

This particular poster advertises 'The Dark Knight' feature film particularly well, taking into account the blindingly obvious and subtle details.


To start, the eye-catching red smile signifies the significant involvement of the infamous 'Joker' character. The colour of red can be interpreted in select ways: pain, passion, sin, blood, anger and guilt; which, if you've seen the film, are all prevalent. Even if this advertisement alone is all you know of the film, this powerful colour will certainly arouse interest. A good tool to hook the bloodthirsty teenagers of today!

The use of the Joker's quotes are seen as they stamp across the black layer of the image, that is The Batman. Quotes such as "It's all part of the plan" pose an enigma and urge on reasonable questions- what plan? already, we are put in the same mind set as The Batman, as the Joker sows riddles for us to unravel. Even The Batman symbol is made up of a quote- "hahaha..." which, although creates an opposition in colour to the red smile, still signifies the Joker's presence. Perhaps this foretells how this evil individual's endeavors will get under Batman's skin. The writing style even contributes to the general creepiness of this image as, it appears to be scratched in. Much alike what could be seen on the inside of an asylum. Perhaps this signifies how dysfunctional the Joker's mind set is.

The layout of the image implies what is seen as a thriller genre. The composition of layers e.g Joker cards, as well as colour e.g.blood red, really jump out at you- just as a thriller would.

The mass of cards surrounding The Dark Knight instigates a sense of constriction, as they take up a large proportion of the image. It may be that The Batman is way in over his head which, again, can be an appealing factor for the target audience (teenagers). After all, the only thing that can emulate seeing a hero rise, is seeing one fall. The scalpel adds to the Joker's edge as, for me, it spurs on an image of a cardboard cutout. Maybe it's a symbol of the Joker's strength in manipulation.

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