Thursday 17 November 2011

concept drawings- gathering visual ideas

Paddy and I had gone through a process of trying to visualize how we want certain characters to appear on the screen. And what better way is there to brainstorm than draw up a few concept sketches to try and refine character profiling. Paddy, in response to our collective thoughts, created these rather fine pieces of art...

here, on the right, is a basic sketch of the character 'John' carrying out his duty as the local council's grounds keeper. As you can see, his profile abides to the appearance of your generic superhero e.g. muscular build-Something we should emphasise in order to add to the deception at the end of the film.

On the left, we see the character 'Neville'. Now, Neville plays a very significant role in the film, in that he turns out to be our undercover vigilante. So to create the ultimate twist as a conclusion, we knew that Neville's appearance, along with John's has to be very deceiving. Our ideal profile of Neville was a man of slim build, preferably tall (still a sign of authority) and posesses a very smart, business-like appearance e.g. tailored suit & tie, glasses and briefcase. Imagine the classic 'Peter Parker' alternate identity, but more respectable....Unlike your generic superhero, when 'inactive', Neville still likes to make himself noticed. He is loud and proud- very much a human attribute of cockiness. It seems as though this young man has nothing to hide. Oh how wrong initial assumptions can be....

   This is a simple representation of a Silhouette, displaying John against a bright background. Paddy and I have discussed this image, and wish to hopefully include it within the piece as it would add to the powerful image of our apparent superhero. It may be too hard to shoot, depending on the light situation within the village hall we will be using.

The two pencil drawings below are of the council in the process of discussing recent issues within the local community. It is obvious that Neville leads the council, as he stands at the head of the table, displaying his state of authority amongst the other members.

Gathering these visual ideas have really helped us refine our planning in preparation for the actual production!

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