Tuesday 29 November 2011

Taking steps in gathering potential actors

We have the actors to play John, Neville, and one of the council members, but we need three more actors between the ages of 30 and 60 to play the other council members. We need two men and one women. We wanted to find actors who were enthusiastic about acting, could do a job, and are of the right age and look for our characters. We have contacted an amateur acting group in Wymondham called Wymondham Players who perform productions in Wymondham. http://www.wymondhamplayers.org.uk/

Firstly, we called the group then exchanged email addresses to discuss the details in further detail.

Hi Alan, Patrick and Jack here. We spoke on the phone earlier about the possibility of using 3 of your actors for our A2 short film piece. Ideally we would like two men and one woman to play the parts. We're shooting Sunday 11th November at Tacolneston village hall. Flexibility could be a possibility, but that date is best for us and our other actors. Let us know whether you can help us.

Kind regards, Patrick and Jack

Alan's response to our email was encouraging as he seems keen to know as much about the production as possible. We exchanged a few more emails, and have talked a few times on the phone to better explain exactly what we want from each actor.

Hello Patrick and Jack

I assume you mean December!
As it’s a Sunday, I think we need to know the time commitment for the day – are we looking at an hour, two, four…?
And what time of the day please?
Are there scripts available in advance, and what about dress requirements?
Any more information you can let us have would be helpful.


Alan Carpenter

Wymondham Players

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